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Is Erb’s Palsy Permanent?


Erb’s palsy is an injury to the large network of nerves within the human body known as the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus runs from the spinal column to all the muscles in the shoulders and arms.
Childrenborn with brachial plexus injury may suffer partial or total paralysis of the arms and hand.

Approximately one or two babies per thousand births will have a permanent brachial plexus injury.
Causes of Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy can be caused by a number of things which can occur during a difficult delivery.

  • The brachial nerves can be injured if the baby’s neck and head are moved laterally to the side toward either shoulder when the shoulders are stuck in the birth canal.
  • Pulling excessively on the head by the delivering physician as the baby comes out head first can also lead to a brachial nerve injury.

Larger than average babies are especially at risk for a birth injury occuring during delivery called shoulder dystocia.
Shoulder dystocia refers to the situation when one or both of the baby’s shoulders cannot pass below the mother’s pubic bone during birth.
A delivery in which shoulder dystocia occurs can cause injury to the brachial plexus, resulting in impaired movement of the injured arm.
Is it permanent?
Most cases of Erb’s palsy are due to stretching of the nerve and will heal within six to twelve months of delivery; stretching injures the nerve, but hardly ever leaves permanent damage.
Occasionally a stretch injury will cause scar tissue around healthy nerves; in this case recovery may not be total.
Cases in which the nerves are torn apart are the most serious and will not completely heal on their own. In rare instances the nerve is actually torn from the spinal cord.
It is estimated that fewer than ten percent of brachial plexus birth injuries result in permanent paralysis or impairment.
Treatments for Erb’s Palsy
In cases of simple stretch injury or mild tear, Erb’s palsy mayheal on its own, but the baby should receive physical therapy.
Extensive nerve damage may require surgery. Even with surgery, nerve injuries heal very slowly and may take two years or more for recovery.
In some cases, the affected arm will always be weak the range of motion may also be limited, and the affected arm may become shorter and smaller than the uninjured arm.
If you have concerns that your child may be the victim of hospital malpractice or medical malpractice please contact the Law Offices of Michael J. Weiss today for a free case evaluation. We have helped numerous families in Pennsylvania and New Jersey whose children have suffered birth injury.

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